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Pathways Care Farm

Masters Final Project in the Community

January - May 2022

Pathways Care Farm: News

‘Finding Creative Pathways’

A collaboration of the farm workers artwork

 Sensing, collecting, making

The aim of the project was to provide a person-centred, and sensory approach to creativity focused on engagement with nature and informed by the New Economic Foundation ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ (New, online. 2018), followed by small group workshops and collaboration.
In supporting adults with multiple disabilities within a community farm setting of inclusivity and equality, where there is opportunity for agency to provide new experiences for learning, fostering a sense of achievement, developing confidence and positive behaviour.


Collaborative Artworks

The aim was ‘to provide an authentic experience, that has synergy with the setting and the ethos of the farms’ community’ (Wiles, AP2 Proposal 2021). 

The intention was to lead a sensory walk with a collection of ‘finds’ around the farm, using breathwork and grounding exercises to engage the senses further.

I endeavoured to engage the participants in a creative activity to later collage the artworks together to form collaborative pieces  of a banner and a flag, to celebrate their sensory and creative experiences, local fauna and flora, and community, displayed on site.


Pathways Care Farm: News
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